Why Are Black Cats Called Voids?

Some pet lovers call black cats “voids” due to their full black fur. Black cats look like voids because their black and dark fur absorbs light, giving the appearance of a tiny, dark area. When they sit still or curl up, they can look like a void, appearing as a patch of darkness. Online pet communities have popularized this term.

People have long surrounded black cats with myths, superstitions, and various nicknames. One of the most recent and popular terms is void. Their elegant, dark coats can appear to take light, a characteristic that playfully earned them the nickname ‘voids’ among cat lovers on the internet.

In this article, we will explain “why black cats are called voids.”

The Origin of “Voids”

The meaning of the term “voids” is empty or dark. Black cats with their elegant and black fur often appear as little patches of darkness moving around. A small void can look like it is swallowing up light. That’s why people affectionately call them “voids.”

The Attraction of Black Cats

Why Are Black Cats Called Voids?

Mysterious Appearance

Coats of black cats are like black holes which is absorbing light. They have made his mysterious look a favorite subject in art, literature, and popular culture.

Superstitions and Myths

Historically, Superstitions have been linked to black cats. They are also considered symbols of bad luck in some cultures while in other they are considered as good predictions. Many cat owner love their black cats and see them as symbols of elegance and mystery.

Unique Personalities

Black cats, with their unique personalities, are especially affectionate, playful, and intelligent, making them highly attractive and good companions for many cat owners.


The History of Black Cats in Different Cultures

Black cats have different roles in different cultures. In ancient Egypt, black cats were considered symbols of good fortune and revered. In medieval Europe, black cats were linked to witchcraft and superstition, leading to their persecution. Similarly, in Japanese culture, black cats are seen as good luck, especially for unmarried women looking for partners. In British and Irish folklore, Black cats are considered omens of prosperity and happiness.

Folklore Around The World

Country Folklore
Scotland A black cat on your porch brings prosperity to you.
Japan Single women experience signs of good fortune.
Russia Cats are considered lucky.

Seeing a black cat still causes discussions about superstition and luck in many locations.

The Science Behind Black Cat Fur

The black fur of these cats is due to their genes. A cat’s fur color is determined by the type and amount of melanin produced by its cells. An dominant gene is responsible for black fur being more likely to be expressed. Black cats may have a rusty or reddish tinge to their fur when exposed to sunlight due to the presence of pigment called pheomelanin. Cat owners love this black color due to their attractive look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are black cats really bad luck?

No, black cats are not bad luck. In many places, people believe that black cats bring good fortune. For instance, in Japan, this belief holds true.

Why do black cats look like voids?

Black cats look like voids because their black and dark fur absorbs light, giving the appearance of a tiny, dark area. When they sit still or curl up, they can look like a void, appearing as a patch of darkness.

Why Do Black Cats Have A Special Day?

To promote their adoption black cats have a special day known as National Black Cat Day.

Do black cats have a different temperament compared to other cats?

Black cats do not have a different temperament than other cats solely based on their color. Black cat owners find their pets to be affectionate, playful, and intelligent.

Why are black cats often associated with Halloween and witchcraft?

Black cats are often associated with Halloween and witchcraft due to historical superstitions and traditions.

Are there any health issues specific to black cats?

Black cats do not have specific health issues related to their color. Like other cats they also have common health issues and require same cat food.

Final Words

Some pet lovers call black cats “voids” due to their full black fur. Their nickname “void” reflects the mysterious charm they rise and how their dark fur absorbs light.

If you have a black cat and you would wanted to know why black cats are called voids so I hope this article helped you to understand.

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