Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken? Risks, Benefits and Alternatives

“Can dogs eat raw chicken?” This is a common question, especially with the rise of raw diets for pets. Most people choose to play it safe when it comes to their pets because it can pose serious dangers. In this article, you will learn all about this question

Is Raw Chicken Safe for Dogs?

Generally, dogs should not eat raw chicken. Dogs need proteins found in raw chicken, but this food can also carry harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. These bacteria can cause food poisoning in dogs and humans. Dogs can theoretically fight off these bacteria better than humans due to their more carnivorous diet, but they still face the risk.

Dogs that consume raw meat are more likely to spread dangerous bacteria in their stools. These bacteria can also be risky for human household members.


Risks of Feeding Raw Chicken

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

1. Bacterial Infection

Salmonella and Campylobacter are common bacteria found in raw chicken. These bacteria can cause severe food poisoning in dogs, resulting in symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and lethargy.

Raw chicken can spread bacteria to humans, posing a risk to your family. Handling the chicken improperly or failing to wash your hands after feeding your dog can lead to contamination and illness. Signs of bacterial infection in dogs are:

Decreased Appetite

2. Bone Risks

Smaller raw chicken bones can pose a choking hazard for dogs, getting lodged in their throats. Bones can block the digestive tract, causing severe pain, vomiting, and potentially life-threatening conditions that may require surgical intervention.

3. Unbalanced Diet

Your dog may not receive a balanced diet if you feed it only raw chicken, as this food source alone does not contain all the essential vitamins and minerals that dogs require for optimal health. Deficiencies in essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and various vitamins can result from this.

Calcium deficiency can impair bone development and health, resulting in conditions such as osteoporosis.

Inadequate intake of essential nutrients can compromise your dog’s immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases and infections.


Benefits of Feeding Raw Chicken

1. Natural diet: In the wild, wolves consume raw meat, which is the natural diet for dogs. Feeding dogs raw chicken replicates this natural diet.

2. High Protein: Chicken is an excellent source of essential protein for muscle growth and energy.

3. Healthy Skin and Coat: Essential fatty acids in raw chicken help maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat.

How to Safely Feed Your Dog Raw Chicken?

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?


1. Freshness: Handle the chicken carefully and ensure its freshness to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination.

2. Supervision: While eating raw chicken, make sure to supervise your dog to prevent them from choking on bones.

3. Balanced Diet: To ensure a balanced diet, include a variety of meats, organs, and vegetables in your pet’s meals. Consult with your vet or a pet nutritionist to create a proper meal plan for your pet.

Alternatives to Raw Chicken

Commercial Raw Diets These are prepared raw meals that are balanced and tested for safety.
Cooked Chicken Making chicken kill harmful bacteria is important, as is ensuring it is plain and free of seasoning.
High-Quality Kibble High-quality kibbles ensure balanced nutrition and are safer than raw diets for pets.



Can dogs eat any other raw meats?

If you choose to feed your dog a raw food diet, make sure you consult with your veterinarian to ensure your dog receives all the necessary nutrients.

Are raw chicken bones safe for dogs?

Your dog should be supervised while they eat raw chicken bones, as they are generally softer than cooked bones but still present a risk of choking and internal injuries.

Should I cook chicken before feeding it to my dog?

By cooking chicken, you can kill harmful bacteria and reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Make sure it is plain and free of seasoning before feeding it to your dog.

Can puppies eat raw chicken?

A veterinarian should be consulted before a puppy eats raw chicken, as their immune systems are less developed and make them more susceptible to bacterial infections.

Can raw chicken help with a dog’s dental health?

A dog can help keep its teeth clean by chewing on raw chicken bones, reducing plaque and tartar buildup. Yet, there is a risk of choking or internal injuries from bones for the dog.


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