Beagle Price in the Philippines

Are you bringing a pug to your home in the Philippines and don’t know its price? So this guide is for you. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn about Beagle ownership, including their price range, care requirements, and more. You will know about the price of Beagle in Philippines.

Beagles are small to medium-sized dogs with short, smooth coats that come in a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, and tan.

They are very friendly, funny, playful, and intelligent dogs. They are also used for hunting. Training makes beagles quick learners. These are one of the most active dog breeds.

Bringing a Beagle home is just as cool as hiring your own private investigator.

How Much Does a Beagle Cost in the Philippines?

The average price of Beagle puppy in the Philippines is from ₱8000 to ₱18000 from a reputable breeder. However, the price of a beagle dog depends on various factors, including age, pedigree, health, breeder, market demand, and more.

Some breeders even charge more if a Beagle is from a pedigree winning at exhibitions.


What Factors Affect the Price of Beagle?

1. Breeder Reputation

Prices may be higher from reputable breeders who put their pets’ health and welfare first. Breeders who properly take care of their Beagles may demand higher prices.

2. Pedigree

Beagles from champion bloodlines or with pedigree certificates may have higher prices. Breeders will demand higher prices for that because of the documentation of the pedigree.

3. Age and Size

Beagle puppies are more expensive as compared to adult ones. It means younger beagles are less expensive than the old ones. Because beagle puppies are more cute.

Size also matters in the price of beagles. Pocket Beagles which are a small breed of beagles, are expensive due to their higher demand.

4. Health

Health also affects the price of Beagle. Beagle with health and vaccine certifications are tend to be expensive. Breeders charge more because of their healthy lives.

5. Health Testing

Breeders who conduct health testing for their Beagles and do vaccinations may be priced higher. So you can go for these kinds of Beagles because they are in good health.

6. Location

Another factor in the price of Beagle is its location. Beagle dog prices will be higher at locations where it is in high demand. For example, in Metro Manila, expect a higher price because of high demand. So the price of Beagle will be low in smaller cities or rural towns.

Related Costs of Beagle

beagle price in Philippines

There are some other costs associated with bringing a Beagle into your home:

1. Veterinary Care: Routine wise check-ups, vaccinations, other medicines, etc. should be kept in your budget

2. Food and Supplies: Beagle dogs require high-quality, good food and a balanced diet. They also require toys, grooming supplies, and other essentials.

3. Training: Investing in training classes and training supplements for your Beagle will make your dog well trained.

Why is Beagle So Expensive?

The Beagles are expensive because breeders take care of them, They invest time, effort and veterinary checkups to make their Beagles healthy and of good quality They provide health testing and documentation of pedigree. They provide them with a healthy diet. That’s how breeders invest their money. That’s why beagles have higher prices. These factors contribute to the price tag.

How to Take Care of a Beagle?

Taking care of a Beagle requires love, attention, and commitment. We can take care of our beagle dogs by knowing these points:

1. Proper Nutrition

  • Feed your beagle dog high-quality food according to their age and size level. Give them a proper, balanced diet.
  • Avoid overfeeding, because they have a tendency to eat more, which will lead to weight gain.

2. Regular Exercise

  • Beagle dogs require some exercise to be active and healthy.
  • They should do 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily. It can be playing, walking in backyard, etc.

3. Mental Stimulation:

  • With toys, games, and training, keep your Beagles mentally stimulated.
  • Beagles are intelligent, They enjoy learning new tricks and training.

4. Grooming:

  • Brush your Beagles coat regularly to prevent shedding.
  • Bathe your Beagles after 4 to 6 weeks using a dog shampoo.
  • Trim your Beagle nails daily so they feel comfortable.

5. Veterinary Care:

  • Schedule regular veterinary checkups.
  • Keep up-to-date with vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and heartworm medication.

6. Love and Attention:

  • Give time to your Beagles. Offer plenty of love, attention, and affection.
  • Meet your beagles with your family members and friends to bond with them.


Are Beagles expensive to maintain?

The initial price of buying a Beagle dog is normal, but ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, and veterinary care should also be considered.

Where can I find Beagle puppies for sale in the Philippines?

Reputable breeders, animal shelters, and rescue organizations are good places to start your search for Beagle puppies.

You can also check out different marketplaces in the Philippines.

Do Beagles get along with other pets?

If trained from an early age, beagles can get along fairly nicely. Thus, be sure to socialize your Beagle puppy by taking it out.

Are Beagles easy to groom?

Yes, beagles are easy to groom because they have short to medium hair and shed only during the spring and winter seasons. You don’t need to bathe the Beagle very often, once every two weeks.

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