Quail Eggs in Your Dog’s Diet: What You Need to Know

If you are a pup owner and are always on the hunt for a healthy and delicious way to spoil your four-legged furry friend. Introduce  quail eggs a tiny but wholesome addition to your Dogs’s

Diet that is packed with a nutritional punch of vitamins and minerals.

So if you are curious about these tiny superfoods, let’s dive into this article to know why quail eggs are a beneficial new treat for your dog.

Quail Eggs small but Mighty

If you compare the quail eggs with the chicken eggs, then you find that quail eggs are smaller than chicken eggs. Still, being small their nutritional benefits are mighty as compare to chicken eggs so quail eggs contain  5 times more phosphorus,7.5 times more iron,6 times more B1 vitamin and B2 vitamins are 15 times more than that of chicken eggs.so, In short, don’t go on the size of this egg as their health benefits make them the more advantageous choice for overall well-being. 

Benefits of Quail Eggs 

Quail eggs offer many health benefits as they are packed with vitamins and minerals along with iron and protein so let’s discuss all these benefits.

  • Boost Eyesight

The quail eggs are rich in  vitamin A that enhance the vision of our dogs and reduce the risks of eye related diseases such as Cataract.

  • Soft Silky hair and Healthier Skin

Quail Eggs are enriched with Fatty Acid, Selenium, iron, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin A which makes your dog coat visibly silk and soft.On the other hand the yolk of egg will protect from many skin diseases and make the skin healthier.

  • Oral Health

Quail eggs are also beneficial for your pets bone and teeth as they are rich in Calcium and Phosphorus.

  • Allergies

It is an ideal substitute for dogs who are intolerant to chicken eggs.

  • Improve Memory

They are a great source of Choline which boosts memory and improves concentration level.

  • Boosting red blood  Cells Health

They are rich in Vitamins B12 so also keeps red Blood cells and nerve cells healthy.

  • Rich in Iron

These eggs are the best source of iron so consuming them prevents anemia in dogs.

  • Digestive Enzymes

Quail eggs contain digestive enzymes that help in Breakdown and absorption of nutrients. They also contain gut friendly bacteria so they contribute to improved  dog’s digestion.

  • Boost immunity

They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins C And A so they boost your dog ‘s immune system to fight against diseases.

Are Quail Eggs Safe for Dogs?

Yes they are generally considered safe for Dogs but should be taken in moderation as they also contain high levels of cholesterol and fats.it is recommended to increase the amount of egg gradually in diet so your intestine will adapt it easily. Remember moderation is the key  to introduce  meal in dog’s diet and if your observe any digestive issues do consult  with your vet 

How Often should you feed quail eggs to your Dog?

The frequency of eggs given to the dogs to eat should depend upon the size of the dog and their nutritional needs so in short if the dog is small to medium in size 1 egg per day is fine but if the dog is larger in size 2 eggs per is enough for them.

Cautions with Quail egg

As quail eggs are rich in cholesterol so it is advisable to avoid giving these to dogs which are overweight or have heart disease. Also if they have any history of quail eggs allergy avoid giving them.

Quail eggs with Salmonella

As eggs are a matter of concern in terms of Salmonella but  this is the safe condition with quail eggs as they have higher body temperature than chickens so bacteria do not pass onto them.

Can we give shells of Quail eggs to Dogs?

If we give the quail eggs shells to the  dogs so they don’t get choked as they are small enough and also benefit them as they are rich in Calcium.

How to feed Quail eggs to dogs

If you want to start giving raw quail eggs as whole and cracked form they are beneficial for health in both ways but also observe the dog for any discomfort like diarrhoea and vomiting.sometimes it is preferred to use cooked eggs (boiled egg}as they are safer for gut so you can boil them usually 2-2.5 min or 3 min for hard boiled egg and should be served to dogs as whole or in scrambled form.

These questions are also considered for other meals too like Can Dogs Eat Orange Chicken? Can Dogs Eat Cream Of Mushroom Soup? Can Dogs Eat Biscoff Cookies? And Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken? So do proper research before giving any food and give little amount of any food that you want to start.

Final thoughts

As these eggs are a great source of vitamins and minerals. They are very beneficial for your dogs and are considered super food despite their small size. It should be necessary to use it in moderate amounts as they are also rich in cholesterol especially if the dog is obese.

They are very good for the health  of a dog but if you observe any discomfort and unusual signs in dogs after its consumption do consult with your veterinarian. And avoid them in case of any allergy.

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